EXO Member Popularity Ranking 2022-2023 | Who is most popular in EXO?

EXO Member Popularity Ranking 2022-2023 | Who is most popular in EXO?

Currently, EXO consists of 9 Koreans and 1 Chinese member. Since there are many people who are concerned about the order of popularity of each EXO member, we have done our research listed their ranks accordingly! If you’re one of them, scroll down to this post and get to know more about EXO’s popularity. EXO’s…

TWICE Dormitory

TWICE Dormitory

Are you interested to know the evolution of TWICE Dormitory from its debut? Scroll down to this post and know more about TWICE members’ life! Introducing All TWICE’s Successive Lodgings! Featuring Some Episodes on How Rooms are Allocated and How They Actually Live in the Dormitory. It’s not surprising to know that Korean idol groups…

SEVENTEEN Members Emojis Meaning and Origin | Seventeen Representative Animals

SEVENTEEN Members Emojis Meaning and Origin | Seventeen Representative Animals

SEVENTEEN has pictograms or emojis that represent each member. If you’re interested to know which emoji is theirs, its meaning, and its origin, scroll down to this post! Their emoji is also used on official SNS and is popular among fans, and it is very interesting that each emoji shows the individuality of each member….