Six Tones Member Popularity Ranking
More than half of the members of Johnny’s Jr. have 10 years of experience, and SixTONES continues to be active, including appearing in dramas even before its formation. Many people are curious about member colors and profiles.
Therefore, we will introduce the 6 SixTONES members in order of popularity. In the ranking, we will not only introduce each member with an image, but also touch on their profile, such as what they are called, their personality, and the color they are in charge of.
What are Six Tones?
Group name: Six Tones
Formation date: May 1, 2015
Group members: Hokuto Matsumura, Jessie, Taiga Kyomoto, Itsuki Tanaka, Shintaro Morimoto, Yugo Kochi
Main activity: Idol
Affiliation Office: Johnny’s office
Affiliation record office: Johnny’s Universe/Universal
Six Tones Member Popularity Ranking
Rank #1 – Hokuto Matsumura

Nicknames: Hokuto, Hokkun, Hokuti
Real name: Hokuto Matsumura
Date of birth: June 18, 1995
Current age: 23 years old
Birthplace: Shizuoka Prefecture
Blood type: B
Height: 177cm
Weight: 61kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: Six Tones
Office: Johnny’s office
Family composition: Father, Mother, Older Brother
Hokuto Matsumura is the number one member of the SixTONES member popularity ranking. He sent his resume to Johnny’s office, but he didn’t receive any contact, and he passed the first time on the third one. Mr. Matsumura has a reputation not only for singing and dancing but also for acting, so he has appeared in many dramas. Let’s check his profile, change color, and image.
Mr. Hokuto Matsumura’s name is Hokuto as it is, and there are also puns like Hokkun and Hokuti. He is a person with a strong, cool atmosphere when looking at images.
Hokuto Matsumura’s color is black. He has been learning karate since elementary school and holds a black belt. He is in charge of the keyboard at SixTONES, but at first, he didn’t even know where the keyboard was. He practiced it for more than 10 hours a day and was able to show it.
According to his self-evaluation, he has a personality like a dog in his parents’ house. It seems that when he looks at his parents’ dog, it feels like he is looking at himself, and it makes him sad. The cool atmosphere is strong in the image, so there are many people who feel a gap in such a sentimental interior.
Hokuto Matsumura has a cool appearance, so people tend to think that he has a cool personality, but he doesn’t deny that he’s a stupid character, and he says he’s more of a norinori type.
He said, “Because the other members are in high spirits, people think he’s a cool and quiet character.” He likes Doraemon and Animal Crossing, and there are many cute episodes.
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Rank #2 – Jessie

Nicknames: Jessie, Jessan, Jesio
Date of birth: June 11, 1996
Real name: Louis Masaya Jesse, Masaya Sato (Japanese name)
Current age: 22 years old
Birthplace: Tokyo
Height: 184cm
Weight: 62.5kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: SixTONES
Office: Johnny’s office
Family composition: Father, Mother, Younger Sister
Jessie is the Sixtones’ second-most popular member. He is half-American with an American father, and because he speaks English at home, he is a little weak in Japanese. He also seems to be distantly related to Kei Inoo of Hey! Say! Jump. Let’s check Jessie’s profile, and change the color, and image.
Jessie’s name is Jessie as it is, and there are many puns like Jessan and Jesio. Looking at the image, it doesn’t have a very flashy atmosphere, and it feels like it’s full of friendliness.
Jesse’s assigned color is red. At first, he was active in a unit called “Hip Hop Jump” and has been dating Tatsuki Tanaka and Shintaro Morimoto since around this time. His communication skills are extremely high, and he is so good at getting into people’s pockets that he is nicknamed the “Communication Ghost.”
Jessie also likes puns and is so positive that he doesn’t mind if puns are slipped on stage. For this reason, you can say that he is a true entertainer who likes to make people laugh and entertain them. He evaluates himself as “the type who doesn’t get angry and forgives when there is trouble” and basically doesn’t like conflict.
While friendly, Jesse is also a spoiled child. When he was little, even when he was out with his grandparents, he often cried because he wanted to see his parents. Even as an adult, he retains a spoiled child personality, and it appears that he frequently spoils Yugo Takachi in SixTONES.
He has a competitive side and often gives advice to the members on how to make SixTONES bigger. It is also a chattering that both he and others admit, and it seems that he is quite concerned about this year, as opposed to last year, when he declared that he would overcome the chattering.
Jessie’s hobbies include fishing, and his other favorite hobby is metal detecting. It seems that there are several metal detectors in the house, and he always takes them with him when he goes to the sea. When he uses a metal detector at the beach, he says, “It’s interesting to see all sorts of things, including coins, buried in there.”
Since his father’s hometown is Las Vegas, Jessie’s fishing and treasure hunts often take place on the Las Vegas coast. Jesse’s metal detector is also used to help people, such as when he was selected as a special supporter of refugee support activities before.
Jessie’s favorite type is neat and clean, and he seems to be particular about natural makeup and smooth, straight hair. In terms of personality, he likes children who are honest and active, and when asked where he wants to go, he says that he likes children who can clearly express their opinions. On the other hand, he also says that he is the type of person who wants to be spoiled, so it is better to contact him frequently.
Rank #3 – Taiga Kyomoto

Nickname: Taiga, Kyomo, Kyomo-chan
Real name: Taiga Kyomoto
Date of birth: December 3, 1994
Current age: 24 years old
Birthplace: Tokyo
Blood type: B
Height: 174cm
Weight: 50kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: Sixtones
Office: Johnny’s office
Family composition: Father (Masaki Kyomoto), Mother (Hiromi Yamamoto)
Taiga Kyomoto is SixTONES’ third most popular member. Having actor Masaki Kyomoto as his father, his androgynous visuals, inherited from his father, are attractive. In SixTONES, he is the main vocalist and is in charge of visuals.
Kyomoto Taiga’s name is Taiga as it is, or there are letters from his surname. When viewing the image, blonde hair and androgynous visuals stand out.
Taiga Kyomoto’s color is pink. Combined with the androgynous visuals, this color suits you well. As the main vocalist, his singing ability is outstanding. When he was in kindergarten, he had a stubborn and selfish personality, and when he was older, he was scolded by the teacher, and there was an episode where he took a desk and a chair and moved from the classroom, saying, “He likes the teacher of the year!”
His current personality is rugged, and he self-evaluates himself as the type who never wants to compromise at work. Other members have said, “He is the center of all living things,” “He is very selfish,” “He has a very cute temperament,” and “If he doesn’t get along, he will get discouraged,” and it seems that the essence has not changed. He also likes to have a thorough discussion, and there are many episodes that are contrary to his appearance.
His father is a famous actor, while his mother is a former member of the idol group “Kyan-Kyan.” In particular, the title of Masaki Kyomoto’s son was a heavy burden for Taiga. He says that he was often seen with colored glasses because he was a second-generation talent.
However, now that effort has paid off, and even Johnny Jr. has acquired a top-class singing ability that is not inferior to SixTONES. In 2013, he performed with Masaki Kyomoto for the first time in the stage play “Takizawa Enbujo 2013,” allowing him to come face to face with his great-father.
Taiga Kyomoto was not good at singing or dancing at first, and he suffered from days when he was seen wearing colored glasses. However, at some point, he started to think, “He wants to look back on them with my ability.” First, Taiga practices at home or goes to a karaoke specialty store alone to hone his singing skills. Also, as he gained experience on the stage, he was equipped with courage.
In this way, Taiga grew into one of Johnny Jr.’s most influential people through hard work and determination. At the age of 20, he won an audition for the role of Rudolph, the main character in the musical “Elisabeth,”, and continued acting for two years. Regarding his own growth, Mr. Taiga said, “Because the image of the second generation is strong, if you show something good, you can reverse it.”
Rank #4 – Itsuki Tanaka

Nickname: Juri, Jyutan
Real name: Itsuki Tanaka
Date of birth: June 13, 1995
Current age: 23 years old
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Blood type: B
Height: 175cm
Weight: 50kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: SixTONES
Office: Johnny’s office
Family composition: father, mother, three older brothers (second older brother is Kiyoshi Tanaka), younger brother
Tanaka Tatsuki is the fourth most popular Six Tones member. He is often in charge of MC because he can concisely summarize what he needs to say in advertisements and greetings. Let’s check Tanaka’s profile, responsible color, and image.
Itsuki Tanaka is often called Juri or Jyutan. Looking at his image, he has an attractive appearance and a soft smile.
Itsuki Tanaka’s color is blue. When they first formed, they also wore orange costumes, but they eventually settled on blue. He is the 4th son of 5 siblings, and due to his large number of siblings, he has an excellent sense of balance in socializing. Also, one of the three older brothers is former KAT-TUN member Kiyoshi Tanaka.
Mr. Itsuki Tanaka has a strong sense of justice and once met a woman who was being molested on the train and fought off the molester. This incident became a hot topic because it was discovered on Twitter and involved a woman who was molested.
He has a bright personality and likes to make people laugh and say funny things, but he also loves cameras to the extent that he is said to always know where the camera is and has a mischievous side where he has a habit of saying, “I’m cool.” I have.
Itsuki Tanaka is good at rapping and is also active as a rapper and guitarist in SixTONES. When it comes to rap, he’s learned it from the very beginning.
As a result of repeated practice, it has now become a skill that can be called a special skill. Even now, he is showing off his high ability, such as by showing off his own raps and free raps from time to time.
Rank #5 – Shintaro Morimoto

Nicknames: Shintaro, Shin-chan
Real name: Shintaro Morimoto
Date of birth: July 15, 1997
Current age: 20 years old
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
Blood type: A
Height: 175cm
Weight: 65kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: SixTONES
Office: Johnny’s office
Family Composition: Father, Mother, Older Brother (Ryutaro Morimoto), Younger Sister
Shintaro Morimoto is the fifth most popular member of SixTONES. Because he is good at dance and acrobatics, he is called SixTONES Dance and Acrobatics Captain. His older brother is Ryutaro Morimoto, a former member of Hey! Say! Jump.
Many people call Shintaro Morimoto Shintaro and Shin-chan. Looking at his image, he looks muscular, but when he first joined Johnny’s, he was a thin boy.
Shintaro Morimoto’s color is green. It’s quite difficult to wear a green outfit, but Mr. Morimoto does it beautifully. His gentle personality also matches the color. Contrary to his macho appearance, he has a gentle personality and is a solid person who takes care of his juniors.
On the other hand, he has a childish and mischievous side, but he himself says, “I think about it a lot.” He is also quite a competitive player, and once he grows up, he hates saying, “I can’t do it,” and when asked, “Can you do it?”
Shintaro Morimoto has a very strong affection for SixTONES, and in a project where he couldn’t go home until the answers were disjointed, he even covered the answer with a trick and was angered by the members. He also has a passionate side, to the extent that people around him say that he has a deep love for SixTONES.
Outside of SixTONES, I’m on good terms with the members of King & Prince (Kinpuri), and we hang out in the dressing room and spend time together on our days off. In particular, he seems to be on good terms with Sho Hirano and Kaito Takahashi.
Shintaro Morimoto’s favorite type is a child who uses beautiful words, and he says that rough language is NG. When it comes to hairstyles, he seems to prefer girls with long hair because boyish hair makes his personality look masculine.
He also likes children who eat their meals beautifully, and he is particular about children who eat fish in a particularly beautiful manner.
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Rank #6 – Yugo Kochi

Nickname: Takachi, Yugo, Yugo
Real name: Yuugo Takachi
Date of birth: March 8, 1994
Current age: 23 years old
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
Blood type: A
Height: 175cm
Weight: 53kg
Activities: Idol talent
Affiliation group: SixTONES
Office: Johnny’s office
Family composition: Father (KOHCH), Mother, Older Brother
Yugo Kochi is the SixTONES member with the sixth highest popularity ranking. Just because he’s sixth doesn’t mean he’s not popular, and he’s also been heavily criticized by fans. Let’s check Mr. Takachi’s profile, responsible color, and image.
Yuugo Kochi is called Yuugo and Yugoto, and many people call him that way. He has a soft smile in his image.
Yugo Kochi’s color is yellow. His yellow outfit suits him well. When he was first formed, he also wore a yellow-green costume, so it may be that warm colors suit him unexpectedly.
Takachi, the oldest member, is characterized by a gentle personality and a soft smile, and he heals the fans by making use of his special skills in talks and performances.
In SixTONES, they are the spiritual support of the members and balance the six unique individuals. Although he has a calm and self-paced personality, he is also famous for being teased, such as being called “Ojii-chan” by the other members.
His father, KOHCH, is a well-known fortune teller and is also a multi-talented person who has appeared on TV and been serialized in magazines.
On April 16, 2017, at the “Johnny’s Sports Festival” held at Tokyo Dome, Johnny’s idols were divided into red and white teams to compete, and SixTONES participated in the red team.
Yugo Takachi was active in the first competition, the 50-meter dash battle, and the final competition, the selection relay battle. The top 16 runners from the first competition will be the runners for the final competition, and Mr. Takachi will be selected as the representative of the red team.
The final result was 1070 points for the red team and 862 points for the white team, and the red team won. Two of the four MVPs this time are Mr. Takachi and Mr. Hokuto Matsumura, and SixTONES achieved good results with two MVPs.
Yuugo Kochi says that he likes the older sister type because he is the easy-going type. His favorite hairstyle is long and straight, and this is also an answer that is associated with older women.
In fact, the older female fans are fascinated by Mr. Takachi, so it is said that he is an unconscious killer of older people because of his maternal instinct.
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