JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking

JO1 is a male idol group belonging to LAPONE ENTERTAINMENT, a joint venture between Yoshimoto Kogyo and Korean entertainment company CJ ENM. 

In the popular Korean survival audition program “PRODUCE 101” series, commonly known as Produce 101 JAPAN, the Japanese version of “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN”, Japan was formed with 11 members who were selected by a referendum of viewers called “National Producers” People boy group. 

He made his debut with “PROTOSTAR” on March 4, 2020, and is expected to be active worldwide. In addition, the cuteness of the official fan name “JAM” has become a hot topic on the Internet.

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking

Rank #1- Kawajiri Lotus

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Image Source:  Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: March 2, 1997

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Zodiac: Year of the Ox

Blood type: Type O

Birthplace: Fukuoka

Height: 173cm

Representative work: CD “Tsukame ~ It’s Coming ~” (2019) CD “DOMINO” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

Anyway, he is good at dancing and had an overwhelming presence with his glittering dance at Produce. He suddenly realizes that she is chasing her eyes rather than pushing her because of his beauty. He is the only member who is not called “Ren-Kun” by his fans.

Also, the personality gap is genius. While dancing, you can’t get close to him because he’s a king, but he’s usually a smiling and kind brother. He is overwhelmed by his soft way of speaking and his smile.

Rank #2 – Ruki Shiraiwa

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source: Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: November 9, 1997

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Zodiac: Year of the Ox

Blood type: Type O

Birthplace: Tokyo

Height: 175cm

Representative work: Representative work CD “Happy Merry Christmas” (2019)

CD “YOUNG” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter, Instagram

Speaking of JO1’s princess in charge, “Shiraiwa Ruki” applies as the name suggests. His catchphrase is “Beauty Prince Advent.” In Johnny Jr., he was in sync with Sexy Zone’s Kento Nakajima and SixTONES’ Itsuki Tanaka.

His career has been surprisingly long, and his singing and dancing skills are outstanding.

Although he is cool, he has a friendly personality and only high sensitivity. He has no concept of smooth skin and pores; he is just cute.

Recommended: Six Tones Member Popularity Ranking

Rank #3 – Junki Kohno

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Image Source: Pinterest

Group name:jo1

Date of birth: January 20, 1998

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Zodiac: Year of the Tiger

Blood type: Type O

Birthplace: Nara 

Height: 174cm

Representative work: CD “DOMINO” (2019) CD “Grand Master” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He was drawn to their bright and honest personalities.

JO1 has a lot of cool people, so it’s hard to rank them. However, Junki Kouno is cool even if his makeup is lighter than the other members!

And his skin is beautiful. Including all of his personality, you can get energy just by looking at him!

Rank #4- Issei Mamehara

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source: Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: May 30, 2002

Zodiac sign: Gemini 

Zodiac: Year of the Horse

Blood type: Type O

Birthplace: Okayama

Height: 180cm

Representative work: CD “DOMINO” (2019) CD “Grand Master” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He has the appearance of a Shiba, but when it comes to performance, she dances so brightly that you’d never guess she’s a high school student.

He’s the youngest in the group, but he’s very calm and sometimes looks more mature than the older members. He is the center of Jo1, who won the final ranking in first place in Produce.

Rank #5 – Yonashiro Sho

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source: Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: October 25, 1995

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Zodiac: Year of the Pig

Birthplace: Okinawa

Nickname: Sho-kun, Yonapi / Yona / Shoo-kun

Representative work: CD “Black Out” (2019) CD “YOUNG” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

Rank #6 – Tsurubo Shion

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Image Source: Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: May 30, 2002

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Zodiac: Year of the Horse

Blood type: Type A

Birthplace: Hyogo

Height: 178cm

Representative work: CD “DOMINO” (2019) CD “Tsukame ~ It’s Coming ~” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He has a wonderful face and is tall, so he looks cool, but he usually has funny faces and is a boy! The feeling is lovely. Also, the smiley face that she sometimes shows is so cute that I almost collapse. However, I can sometimes see that the roots are serious, and I have an excellent impression!

Rank #7 – Takumi Kawanishi

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source:  Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: June 23, 1999

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Zodiac: Year of the Rabbit

Blood type: Type B

Birthplace: Hyogo


Nickname: Takumi, Takumi-kun, Takumin, Takkun

Representative work: CD “Tsukame ~ It’s Coming ~” (2019) CD “DOMINO” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He is a genius at managing facial expressions that can be both cute and cool. At the beginning of the release of Produce, he attracted attention from overseas, such as in Korea, by saying, “Who is this child?”

Despite his lack of singing or dancing experience, he has a strong ability to absorb information quickly.

He is also in charge of Jo1’s visuals, such as being selected as the 1st visual center by trainees in Produce and 3rd in the national treasure-class handsome in Vi. Although she is Japanese, she has a genius face that looks good with red and pink hair.

Including Korea and China, the most famous face in Asia is the top member! His personality is reserved, and he is not the type to stand out, but his words and actions are cute, and he is loved by the members as being the most charming.

Also Read: The Rampage Member Popularity Ranking

Rank #8 – Keigo Sato

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source: Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: July 29, 1998

Zodiac sign: Leo

Zodiac: Year of the Tiger

Blood type: Type A

Birthplace: Aichi

Representative work: CD “Tsukame ~It’s Coming~” (2019) CD “GrandMaster” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He has a weak head, but he is kind and gentle, and they really like it. Surprisingly hidden, but he is good at dancing, and his body line is beautiful, possibly his favorite. 

Rank #9 – Shoya Kimata

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source:  Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: April 5, 2000

Zodiac sign:  Aries

Zodiac: Year of the Dragon

Blood type: Type A

Birthplace: Aichi

Height: 171cm

Representative work: CD “Kunchikita” (2019) CD “YOUNG” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

He never met someone like this before. he got hooked on idols for the first time.

If you look at any person for a week, you can roughly understand what kind of person they are, but you can’t understand them at all. It’s just a swamp in a swamp. He’s so cute and strangely cool. He loves dancing and singing!

Rank #10 – Yoshio Ohira

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source:  Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: April 13, 2000

Zodiac sign: Aries

Zodiac:  Year of the Dragon

Blood type: Type A

Birthplace: Kyoto

Height: 176cm

Representative work: CD “Tsukame ~It’s Coming~” (2019)

CD “Yancha BOY Naughty GIRL” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

Above all, They love his sweet and cute face and gestures!

In the past, he used to be the type to conform to those around me so as not to express my opinion much, but recently I’ve felt that expressing my opinion clearly leads to trust, so he’s trying to value his own personality. He can’t wait to see how it will be reflected!

Rank #11 – Kinjo Hekikai

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking, JO1 popularity ranking, popularity rank of JO1, JO1 members profile, who is the most popular member in JO1, Facts about members of JO1, who is the least popular member of JO1, JO1 members, JO1 updated ranking 2023, JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source:  Pinterest

Group name: jo1

Date of birth: May 6, 2000

Zodiac sign: Aries

Zodiac: Year of the Dragon

Blood type: Type A

Birthplace: Osaka

Height: 178cm

Representative work: CD “Tsukame ~ It’s Coming ~” (2019) CD “Black Out” (2019)

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

Aoikai is a younger member of S4, He’s as composed as an older brother. He wishes he had an older brother like this. I’m relieved.

He runs fastest in JO1, can break a bat in karate, and even break tiles! The way he looked toward Kameda-Kun was also cool.

Rank #12 – Genki Iwahashi

JO1 Member Popularity Ranking,
JO1 popularity ranking,
popularity rank of JO1,
JO1 members profile,
who is the most popular member in JO1,
Facts about members of JO1,
who is the least popular member of JO1,
JO1 members,
JO1 updated ranking 2023,
JO1 popularity rank,
Image Source: Instagram

Group name: Former members of King & Prince

Date of birth: December 17, 1996

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Zodiac: Year of the Rat

Birthplace: Tokyo

Official SNS: Twitter Instagram

Who is the Most Popular JO1 Member?

This ranking shows how Kawajii Lotus won the heart of many fans. His dancing skills and good looks brought him to the spotlight of being the most popular JO1 member. 

Despite this ranking, I believe each member has something on them that they want to show to their fans. Nonetheless, JO1 will not be JO1 without the other members as they are all good-looking with talents to showcase to everyone, especially to their fans whom they dedicate each performance they do!

Let’s show them our support by streaming their music. Follow them on their official SNS account to be updated with their upcoming release!

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